You want to sell your capabilities, products or services!


Suppliers providing added value and expertise in:

● Innovative Materials
● Alloys
● Ceramic Materials
● Composite Materials
● Plastics / Polymers
● Nanomaterials /Nanotechnologies

● Fibers & Textiles
● Additive / Powders
● Soft Materials / Foams
● Smart materials
● Green Materials

SIGN UP ONLINE (available soon)

Download the registration form:
Mexican companies (available soon)
Queretaro companies (available soon)
U.S. companies (available soon)
Europe companies (available soon)
Canada companies (available soon)

You want to meet suppliers and manufacturing partners!


Buyers and contractors in the following sectors:

● Automotive
● Home appliances
● Medical devices
● Electronic equipment

SIGN UP ONLINE (available soon)

Download the registration form (available soon)

How to sign up and prepare your meetings?

Fill out a short form and provide us with your capabilities, applications and needs.
Access detailed profiles of all the attendees from our online catalogue (2 weeks prior to the forum).
Identify and request meetings with relevant contacts through our user friendly program.
Validate meeting requests made by other companies.
Consult your individual schedule of pre-planned meetings with the contacts of your choice.

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